#4 Poems by Ryan Hoskin


Rather than deriding my weaknesses, or running away from them, or "working to change them"

I dance, resting
swirling myself 
In circles to shed
The sunbaked clay
Like snake skin

And I wonder 
What would I have become
Without the brace
Of clay?


One moment 
Blissfully happy, the next
I have moved on

Like macaroni and cheese,
Fireplace in winter,
Pure oxytocin 

When will I feel
Within myself 
The unconditional warmth
Of a dog's love?

Canine honesty instills
No anxiety
Yet humans
Tend to walk
Away from love:
We are afraid 

But do we have to be?
How would I stop?


Are you a stage
For my dramas?
Or are you 
My lover?

Where else 
Will I
Put this
Stifled love? 

Taking it away 
From myself
And bringing it to you 
Like a cat with a dead
Mouse, is less
Painful than having 
It taken from me

Dreaming I let
It all go to bliss

I'm not sure
That he cares
About me so
Much as holding 

What else would happen 
In a narcissistic love?

Inherent Medicine

When the Sun
hits the canopy 
at that perfect 
afternoon angle
and the leaves 
become mirrors 
and candles aglow

Creating more light
In the forest

The mossy coves a sea 
of spermatogonia sing praise
and I high-five them in thanks

There is no such thing 
as a diamond in the rough
only diamonds littering
the leaves of the old canopy

Which still breathes 
and glistens 
and glows, 
listens and nourishes
the crows

The rays they play 
with my soul, tinkering 
with my spirit, adjusting 
my path, and I am grateful

For not knowing 
the next step but trusting
the trail carved by meandering

What is the difference 
between hills and blood? 
Wind and sea? 
Why be one 
when I am many?

The patience 
of the forest grows
in me new light

With every breath 
and every death
I've become 
the humble 
mossy glade

Even if it's raining
Even if I'm bleeding
I follow
The sun

How to Kill Someone You Love 

You can't speed your way out of this. And when he says to put yourself
in your own shoes at 23 years old
you say f*** it because you know you can't. 
"I love you" is dangerous,
Lead poisoning
Me, you. 

When all your pussy can dream
Is long hair, side shaves,
And your mind is vacuous

This is the best time
For YOU 
to pull the plug

But you don't,
Just watch him teetering
In the rapids of his heart
Beating beating beating beating
You take comfort in that
Lie, your head on his chest
As he cries and you just try,
Fail, try, and fail
Cry, passing on the wail
In his waters grieving 

Worried about him,
You are not
Sick, just thinking
Of her last

You let the guilt smolder
Under the bathroom rug
Yet each morning you are 
Taunted by dust bunnies
Welcoming them into your palm,
They run and disappear 

When honesty brings as much
Unfairness as it does freedom
Is not a fair, perhaps
An elk calf in bear country,
In the wildflowers

"Am I a sociopath"
Because I refuse 

To use my knife?
